Služim se tehnikom ulje na platnu jer najviše odgovara mom senzibilitetu, i smatram dobro vladanje crtežom osnovom za sve likovne discipline. Ravnoteža između intuicije i racionalnog je metod na kome se zasniva moj kreativni proces. Ne insistiram na tome da gledaocu prenesem određenu „priču“, teoriju ili zaključak, već da ih slika svojom namernom „nedovršenošću“ isprovocira na sopstveno gledište. Slikam ljude, jer su univerzalan i neiscrpan izvor inspiracije. Ipak, tema i sadržaj nisu najbitniji deo moje slike, već način interpretacije. Smatram da je najveći izazov za slikara predstaviti naizgled) trivijalni siže u svetlu više stvarnosti i time mu podariti smisao. Pobornik sam slobode u mišljenju i izrazu, ali slobode uz koju ide odgovornost,jer bez nje ona lako prelazi u proizvoljnost. Slikam zbog sebe, ali za druge.
Oil on canvas is my chosen technique because it best suits my sensibility, and I believe that mastery of drawing is the foundation for all visual disciplines. The balance between intuition and rationality is the method on which my creative process is based. I do not insist on conveying a specific “story,” theory, or conclusion to the viewer, but rather provoke them into forming their own perspective through the painting’s intentional "unfinishedness." People are a universal and inexhaustible source of inspiration for me. However, the theme and content are not the most important part of my paintings, but rather the manner of interpretation. It is my belief that the greatest challenge for a painter is to present a seemingly trivial subject in the light of a higher reality and thus give it meaning. I am an advocate of freedom in thought and expression, but freedom that comes with responsibility; because without it, freedom easily turns into arbitrariness. I paint for myself, but with others in mind